Whilst undoubtedly the preferred option for athletes who have experienced sports injury is to make an injury-free return to a minimum of pre-injury levels of performance and we should make every effort to support athletes in doing so, an unfortunate consequence of sports injury is that athletes do retire. Indeed, injury-related retirement is a multi-national and cross-continental problem, with injury cited as a leading cause of retirement from sport across a number of countries. This retirement can be caused by career-ending injuries (i.e. those which are so severe that the athlete can no longer compete), or those where the injury isn't so severe to necessitate injury, but the athlete chooses to retire and the injury was one of the factors in that decision. It is likely that the voluntariness of the decision to retire will impact on the overall longer term health and wellbeing of the retired athlete and the distinct nature of the voluntariness should be factored into our understanding. Consequently, this chapter will (1) discuss the factors underpinning retirement decisions; (2) discuss the different psychosocial factors that might underpin an injured athlete's decision to retire; (3) provide suggestions around how to improve the retirement experiences of athletes post-injury, including ways that might enhance health-related quality of life post-retirement and (4) provide a case study where readers can apply their learning.