Sports-related concussion (SRC) is arguably one of the most pressing issues in elite and recreational sport at present, and there has been significant attention paid to the frequency and consequences of this injury in both the academic literature and mainstream media. In terms of the qualitative literature base related to concussion, there is a comparative lack of published research, suggesting that many concussion stories and experiences may not be ‘heard’ by the wider scientific community. This chapter begins with an outline of the impact of SRC, and some of the key factors related to this injury. The importance of athlete experiences related to SRC will be discussed, as well as the role of the media in SRC discourse. An exploration of the effect of SRC on athlete well-being is included, along with its association with factors such as depression and loss of identity. The role of the multidisciplinary team in the management of this injury will be outlined, including the role of psychology. The chapter concludes with a concussion-related case study and questions associated with this case study, which it is hoped will help the practitioner when dealing with this injury.