Healthcare institutions must meet a series of requirements for ensuring the privacy of data. Technology has been taking huge steps forward over the years. To avoid security breaches, work is done to make user data information as secure as possible. Some of these techniques include, among others, data modification, cryptographic methods and protocols for data sharing and query auditing methods. As years go by, privacy will continue to gain prominence in any business, to the extent that more investment will be made to improve it. Only when users are convinced that their medical information is completely confidential, will they share data with the system with the same confidence with which they visit the doctor in their health center. The main objective of this chapter is an analysis of issues related to health privacy. We also present some technical suggestions to preserve it. This chapter does not discuss ethical issues or the best techniques that definitely solve these problems. It is a reflection on the need to prioritize the security and confidentiality of customers of eHealth and mHealth applications.