Love, the sentiment and passion of the human soul, is dependent upon Physical Love in the body. During the first period of wedded life, the parties interested give every appetite too loose a rein, posh every pleasure to the verge of pain, and suffer the inevitable consequences. Though sometimes small evils, like invisible insects, inflict pain, and a single hair may stop a vast machine, yet the chief secret of comfort lies in not suffering trifles to vex one, and in prudently cultivating an undergrowth of small pleasures. The highest possible state of health is an indispensable requisite—not merely physical, but social, mental, moral health—in the which condition there can be no chronic fire, no morbid action. While there may be found a diseased or deformed woman who has a life interest in avoiding impregnation, there are hundreds who pine and languish for the supreme joys of maternity.