Dr. Adler, internationally known as a physician and acknowledged as one of the world’s greatest psychologists, has this to say. To quote him: “All mental disturbances can be traced back to some feeling of inferiority which compels the person suffering from it to seek easier, safer ways. Irrespective of the completeness of Man’s knowledge of Psychological Law, if the creative function has been weakened, debased or destroyed, there can be neither mental energy nor physical strength. The true physician, philosopher, scientist and psychologist, the thoroughly awakened man and woman in whom has been born the longing to attain the highest is no longer satisfied with the husk of the knowable facts concerning procreative and recreative Laws. Probably the most prominent modern investigator into mental states and their influence upon general health and well-being was S. Freud. There has come prominently before the public a so-called “new” science of health and happiness called psycho-analysis and based largely upon Freud’s teachings.