Pleasure is gained from practising the craft of writing, from engaging in the process or in particular parts of the process, whether it be: generating ideas; dabbling; getting the words down on paper or screen for the first time; revising a section till you get it just so; editing to perfection or publishing the final product with care. Writing for pleasure is a volitional act of writing undertaken for enjoyment and satisfaction. Therefore, a Writing For Pleasure pedagogy is any research-informed pedagogy which seeks to create the conditions in which writing and being a writer is a pleasurable, purposeful and satisfying experience. In the context of increasing interest in writing for pleasure as an effective writing pedagogy, The Goldsmiths’ Company, and with assistance from The University of Sussex, funded a project that sought to observe the impact a ‘writing for pleasure’ pedagogy had on children’s enjoyment, satisfaction and, importantly, on excellent academic progress in writing.