This chapter summarizes some key aspects of the biological base for material-energy self-organization and self-construction. It considers biological bases in the nervous system for information-based self-organization and self-construction. In a sense, the nucleus is the “executive suite” for biological self-organization and self-construction, providing governing functions at the cellular level. The information-based self-construction capability has reached its highest evolutionary form in humans, and is most apparent in human language construction and communicative behaviour. In a sense, the nucleus is the “executive suite” for biological self-organization and self-construction, providing governing functions at the cellular level. The cell is the primary site of biological self-construction activities. The body must deal with two kinds of distribution objectives, one constructive and one protective. The human neocortex must play a leading role in those evolutionarily emergent, information based, self-construction competencies. The biological structure and functioning of the body do not determine what an individual can or will become.