Chaos theory explains that determinacy and indeterminacy can live side by side. Iteration and meta-modeling can also be useful in understanding many of the insights generated from Lacanian psychoanalytic semiotics that sees an inescapable connection between discourse and subjectivity. The chapter explores some insights generated by H. Gregersen and L. Sailer on transformational polynomials and suggests that the relevance for a postmodern criminology. It utilises the logic developed concerning the prisoner and escape sets and indicate the importance of the Mandelbrot Set for postmodern criminology. The signifier can be more usefully conceptualized as following chaos principles for their very stability: both order and disorder prevail. Attractors are implicated in so much as overall stability does exist; however, indeterminacy prevails at any instance as the intersecting iterative loops produce effects. The notion of iterative loops and constitutive interrelational sets suggest novel ways of integrating nonlinear assumptions and overdetennining effects.