Syria's problems in Lebanon coincided with its other external and domestic difficulties during the year, thus eroding its ability to play an effective role in the Lebanese arena. The Shi'i threat was seen by important Lebanese elements as more dangerous than the Palestine Liberation Organization attempt to reestablish its presence in Lebanon, which was severely affected during the Israeli operations in summer 1982. The Lebanese Government had never been an effective governing body, but at least it met and maintained the semblance of formality and legitimacy. In April, Jumayyil received a message from President Husni Mubarak of Egypt concerning Egyptian policy towards Lebanon, which was to stabilize the country on the "basis of political and democratic dialogue among the various Lebanese citizens. Terrorism has constantly plagued Lebanon since the outbreak of the civil war in 1975. Traditionally, the power of the Sunni community in Lebanon was based on three large Sunni population centers: Tripoli, West Beirut and Sidon.