Norman Podhoretz is a leading figure of the so-called neoconservative movement. But he dislikes the label “neoconservative” and instead refers to himself as a “liberal centrist.” He portrays himself as a traditional Democrat in the John F. Kennedy mold: committed to strong national defense, anti-Communist containment and the modern welfare state. Podhoretz attributes his radicalization to restlessness and “boredom” with the predictable ideas of traditional liberalism. His boredom led to a search for new, exciting ideas to disseminate in Commentary. Podhoretz directs much of his writing against what he calls the adversary culture. He asserts that this group comprises intellectuals and their followers who use their command of language to transform conventional values. This adversary culture makes good seem evil, noble seem base. Norman Podhoretz is first and foremost a political polemicist devoted to influencing currents of thought and opinion.