In 1972 Secretarla del Patrimonio Nacional (SEPANAL) was put in charge of all energy -related activities. At the end of the Luis Echeverrla Alvarez administration, SEPANAL entrusted the elaboration of energy policy guidelines to the energy commission. Efficient energy use was advocated and so was primary energy-source diversification away from hydrocarbons, which would involve developing coal resources and establishing the basis for the use of nuclear energy as well as other energy forms. By the end of 1973 the increased importance given to the energy sector, the subsequent legal and administrative adjustments, the decisions to raise domestic oil prices and to substantially increase investment expenditure had allowed the energy sector and the oil industry in particular to overcome its chronic stagnation problem. In view of the fact that energy policy has to be designed for the long term, it is clear that the document produced was a reflection of the commission's concern for far-reaching planning in the sector.