National Development Plan's (PND) analysis of Mexico's Industrial development appeared to back up previous criticism; particular reference was made to the energy sector's Inability to sustain Mexico's national development single -handedly. SEMIP, in coordination with the representatives of the energy companies and the ministries of state dealing with energy problems, undertook the elaboration of the national energy program, National Energy Program 1984-1988, according to the economic and social policy contained in the national development plan, PND. The energy-diversification strategy directed mainly at the electricity subsector proposes gradually substituting thermoelectric plants for those using uranium, coal, and hydraulic and geothermal energy and establishing criteria for selecting energy sources other than oil. The 1984-1988 program was the first in Mexico to provide a panorama of the world's energy development. Rational use of finances, cutbacks in expenditure, and Increased technical and economic productivity appear to contradict the energy sector's social objectives.