The "Jewish model" is compatible with the Latvian concept of nation-building as it implies that non-Latvians will not intervene into politics which basically will remain an arena for ethnic Latvians. Toward the end of 1992, the concept of a "single community state" came into vogue as a description of the desired evolution of the nation-building process. The leader of the State Language Center, Dzintra Hirscha, rounded off with the following sweeping statement: "The reform is necessary, since knowledge of the Latvian language in and of itself does not signify loyalty toward the state or integration into society. Only the curriculum and the overall methods of instruction may create the preconditions for such integration." Integration and accommodation are the most frequent choices of Latvia's Russian-speakers. In pragmatic terms, also, a closer integration into Europe may increase the Russians' chances of competing with ethnic Latvians in Latvian society on an equal and equitable footing.