To Catholic moralists, low tubal ovum transfer (LTOT) had several advantages over in vitro fertilization. During the time between the inauguration of LTOT and tubal ovum transfer (TOT), Ricardo Asch and associates introduced a technique similar to TOT/TOT with sperm (TOTS), which they gave the acronym Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT). GIFT is a strictly physical manipulation; it can be employed with ova and sperm from any source and so can be used both as a form of artificial insemination from a donor and as a form of ovum donation. With GIFT and TOTS, some of the elements of normal conception occur; the manipulations are to assist sperm and ova to reach the right place together. With GIFT, semen was obtained from the husband through masturbation two hours before laparoscopy and removal of ova, ova were incubated to permit some additional maturation, and sperm and ova were placed in a catheter separated by air to prevent in vitro fertilization.