France has played a large part in the development of new reproductive technologies (NRTs). There are approximately 150 NRT centers in France. Since July 29, 1994, France has adopted the Loi de bioethique covering NRTs. The law covers insemination with husband or with donor semen, in vitro fertilization (IVF), embryo research, and antenatal diagnosis. NRTs are intended to remedy medical infertility. Concerning gamete and embryo donation, the recipient couple must obtain an order by joint declaration before a judge or solicitor. The law is silent on the use of stored, frozen embryos in cases where communication with the couple is lost because of divorce, death, or other circumstances. Practitioners typically call for permission to undertake embryo research within ethical guidelines. Under French law, IVF, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, and embryo freezing are permitted. French social security reimburses four IVF attempts per couple, including ovulation stimulation, egg collection, and laboratory workup.