Mama named me Colita. Colita Garcia. But Miss Sarah enrolled me in school as Aurora. You can forget Colita! She shouted. So people called me Aurora, but inside I was Colita. I won’t forgive the way you laugh when you call me Aurora, joking about whoever gave me that name “never saw the light of dawn.” No! No way! I won’t stay here with her. In her house. I don’t care if she pays for my studies and goes around telling everybody how smart I am. I don’t care. I’m tired of her and all the sisters at school—Sister Fantina, who’s as tall and skinny as Twiggy. And Mother Superior—who's wise but as big and fat as I don’t know what. And the hell with triangles, rectangles, and parallel lines! And the hell with getting punished and calling Miss Sarah and her jumping on me like a machine gun! No! No! No way!