When i understood the future and I sired a young child in it, the little boy that I had been was bora again, slingshotting my fellow man, keeping an eye on the carambola fruit 1 of the lady next door, giving and taking dreams and sexual curiosity, and landing my private airplane on a naked tree branch again. Heaven was low and I asked questions of the angels. My answers were always delayed. When the angels brought them to me with Our Lord’s authorization, they no longer mattered to me, since 1 had a bunch of new questions. The cherubim, who were quite solicitous, returned to Paradise carrying my doubts. One day I confused them with swallows and I hit one of them, right in the head. He said some harsh words about the Apocalypse to me. I shook in my boots and promised to reform myself by reading the Bible more. When he turned his back, I opened up my little pornographic magazine.