Headeye, he was followin me. I knowed he was followin me. But I just kept goin, like I wasn’t payin him no mind. Headeye, he never fish much, but I guess he knowed the river good as anybody. But he ain’t know where the fishin was good. Thas why I knowed he was followin me. So I figured I better fake him out. I ain’t want nobody with a mojo bone followin me. Thas why I was goin along downriver stead of up, where I knowed fishin was good. Headeye, he hard to fool. Like I said, he knowed the river good. One time I rode across to New Providence with him and his old man. His old man was drunk. Headeye, he took the raft on across. Me and him. His old man stayed in New Providence, but me and Headeye come back. Thas when I knowed how good of a river-rat he was.