One of the major challenges facing recreation service providers is to find ways to make programs and services more accessible and open to underrepresented ethnic populations including Hispanics, African Americans, and Native Americans. However, recreation service providers are becoming increasingly aware that making programs more accessible is much more complex than previously believed. Data suggests that ethnic groups, including Hispanic, African American, and Native American populations, tend to underutilize most social service programs available to them. Essential services, including health care, family services, and economic programs reflect a general pattern of underutilization. Ironically, many of those who tend to underutilize programs are those most in need, particularly economic need. The term Hispanic, for example, may include Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Mexican Americans. The term Native American or First American may include an enormous number of tribes. However, each group can be characterized by differences in history, family structure, social, and political developments.