Senegal is a small country on the west side of Africa. Winds are of major importance in Senegal because of their relationship with the rains, and because of the damaging effects they can have on vegetation. There is considerable fluctuation in the relative areas of natural forests and cultivated lands, for the most part at the expense of the forests. Some 70 percent of the Senegalese population live in the rural areas. They engage in agriculture, animal husbandry, and fishing. Animal husbandry, because of the climatic conditions and the availability of good pasture, is particularly important in the northern half of the country. The development of modern agriculture has had some adverse effects on wood consumption. Groundnut and cereal production have been improved by the introduction of small-scale machinery. The education programmes aimed at improving the use of energy and devising new cookstoves have been directed towards women as their main targets in order to achieve the most rapid results.