This chapter focuses on the economic aspects of land-use and natural resource management within the Cuyabeno Wildlife Production Reserve. The Cuyabeno Reserve incorporates part of the Siona-Secoya’s traditional territory. In such a fashion, Cuyabeno’s guards and researchers are seeking to increase the food supply and income of both the reserve’s indigenous inhabitants and immigrant colonists. The Cuyabeno Reserve is located within one of the most biologically diverse areas on earth—the Solimoes-Amazonas rainforest of northwestern Amazonia. The three aspects of economic production within the Cuyabeno Reserve use the presence of the colonists and the Siona-Secoya as a springboard for action. The first of these activities is tourism and scientific research. The other two aspects of economic production in the Cuyabeno Reserve focus on the use of wildlife as a protein source. Cuyabeno Reserve staff members are gathering data on the production requirements of other edible animals.