Yugoslavia is an original member of the International Monetary Fund. Yugoslavia's quota in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is special drawing rights (SDR) 613 mn, and its outstanding financial obligations to the Fund resulting from past operations and transactions totalled an equivalent of SDR 1,803.24 million in July 1988. Yugoslavia purchased the full amount available under this agreement. In April 1985 the Fund approved a standby arrangement with Yugoslavia to the amount of SDR 300 mn, which expired in May 1986, the full amount having been taken up by then. In October 1989 Yugoslavia and the IMF resumed negotiations on a new standby agreement worth US-$ 300-500 mn. Yugoslavia is a member of BIS since its inception. In 1983 the US-$ 500 mn bridging loan advanced by BIS was a key part of the international rescue package arranged for Yugoslavia by the IMF, a consortium of western banks and government creditors.