Only then would the Arab-Islamic national-cultural area be able to promote renaissance in the face of the onslaught and penetrating impact of the West, due to the combined effects of the industrial revolution, the bourgeois democratic revolutions and the flawless coalition of modern European nation-states. The national revolution under Nasser from July 23, 1952 until September 28, 1970 became the focus for the uprooting of imperialism in Egypt and most Arab countries, the initiation of the first Arab unity, and the reorientation of the Arab national movement toward socialism. All of the factors presented thus far were conducive to March 26, 1979, to the breakup of Arab unity, and to the occultation of Egypt. Throughout its history, the State, at the helm of Egyptian society, based its power on the surplus value extracted from the control and use of the Nile waters, in irrigation, draining, dam-building, and allocation of the lifeline of food production, human reproduction and well-being.