In recent years interest in the treatment of diarrhea has greatly increased, especially methods of treatment based on the use of oral rehydration therapy (ORT). This chapter examines the treatment of diarrheal disease with oral therapy. It explores the issues involved in the implementation of diarrhea treatment programs at the community level. The chapter determines whether adding ORT to other community-based programs is an effective way of delivering services. An integral part of any diarrhea treatment program, particularly an oral therapy program, is proper instruction on the feeding of children. Antibiotics are generally not recommended for the treatment of diarrhea except when the patient has clinical symptoms of an illness known to be responsive, such as shigellosis or cholera. In most cases of diarrhea, ORS containing either glucose or sucrose is equivalent. However use of glucose solutions may lead to more rapid improvement and less vomiting, and for more severe cases, glucose may be preferable.