The literature on the subject, moreover, suggests that objections relating to India's nuclear choices, peaceful or unpeaceful, are derived from contending rationales of morality, pragmatism, prestige, alternative cost-benefits, security, or deterrence. India's nuclear program has, over the years, absorbed approximately one third of all the government research and development expenditures. The policies of a state can be effectively proclaimed, or they may be implied in the working decisions of its government. If one assumes peaceful intent, then a detailed assessment of the sequential nuclear competencies attained by India between 1955 and 1975 would reveal the following policy environment for the program's implementation. Nuclear technology has logic of its own quite apart from political or security considerations. A significant accounting difference is the ability of local planners to set off nuclear-related expenses against peaceful, profitable, and off-setting gains. Indian nuclear policy is basically framed within the regime objectives of general autarchy and national self-sustenance.