PL 93-622 of 1975 is commonly referred to as the "Eastern Wilderness Act"; however, this act has no title and such reference is erroneous. PL 93-622 designated 16 wildernesses in the eastern United States, some wilderness study areas, and provided some specific management direction. PL 96-487, the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980, is similar. This act designated 35 wildernesses, some wilderness study areas, and provided specific management direction befitting of unique areas of wilderness only in Alaska. To wilderness legislation pertaining to the West and East: PL 96-560, commonly referred to as the Colorado Wilderness Act of 1980, although it designated wildernesses in Soth Dakota, Missouri, South Carolina, and Louisiana as well as Colorado, provides typical references for designation and administration of wilderness. The Wilderness System is dynamic and diversified throughout our nation. Wildernesses must be perpetuated if they are to be enduring for future generations of Americans.