This chapter aims to discern the principal characteristics of asbestos, reserves and resources of the mineral, its world production, and its place in the structure of international trade. It considers what Quebec's policy has been with respect to asbestos, the importance of the use of Quebec fibers in manufactured products, and the opportunities for increased on-site or near-site manufacturing. The economic value of asbestos fibers derives from their chemical composition and the physical characteristics that make them suitable for multiple industrial uses. Asbestos is a generic designation: chrysotile, a fibrous mineral of the serpentine group, accounts for about 95 percent of world shipments of this product. Substitutes for asbestos-cement sheets include alkali-resistant glass of the CEM-FIL type, steel fibers, and mineral wool. The minimalist position has been that of the Quebec Asbestos Mining Association, which can be represented as seeking the least government presence possible in the sector.