This chapter analyses the measures to foster change in China's industrial sector that have been adopted, reiterated, or implemented since 1976. Recognizing that industrial modernization is critical to the attainment of its overall objectives and perhaps to its continued tenure in office, the Hua/Teng leadership has devised a broad array of industry-related policies. Industrial science and technology policies exhibit substantial scope and integration. Eschewing the search for a single panacea to cure industrial ills, China's leaders have acknowledged many problems and many causes. In explaining priorities and policy linkages, spokesmen have identified several attitudinal, organizational, technical, manpower, managerial, and financial problems that must be overcome to promote and profit from advances in industrial science and technology. Industrial modernization is seen to have been inhibited by a number of organizational shortcomings. Paradoxically, technical impediments seem to be regarded as both the key bottleneck to rapid industrial modernization and the most easily remedied of the many problems facing China.