This chapter reviews case histories of the development projects that have been undertaken in some of the world’s major river basins. The Zambezi River is the fourth largest of Africa’s rivers and the largest of those that flow eastwards to the Indian Ocean. Important tributaries of the Zambezi are the Kabompo, the Lungwebungu, the Kwando, and the Shire, the last representing the drainage of Lake Nyasa. The irrigated area is situated between Dezful and Ahwaz, in Khuzestan Province, an eastern extension of Mesopotamia. Because of effective control measures against several diseases in the area—in particular schistosomiasis and malaria—there have been no apparent unfavorable repercussions of this development project. The history of Egypt and its ancient civilization is intimately linked with the Nile River—“Father Nile". The Nile catchment includes the Nile River—with its barrages, dams, and reservoirs, all its tributaries, the great and small lakes and swamps, and the mountain streams in whose waters it originates.