With the rapid changes in society and the world, cultivating students’ interdisciplinary competencies has been increasingly valued by the international community, which has gradually influenced education policy and curriculum development in various countries. Taiwan is no exception, with The Ministry of Education publishing the “Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education”. In addition to the eight major learning areas, 19 cross curriculum priorities (CCPs) are planned to provide cross-domain/subject integrated learning opportunities in the hope of cultivating citizens in new generations to face challenges with required competences. This article will first briefly review the origin and development of CCPs in Taiwan’s national education system. Secondly, it will focus on the “multicultural education priority” (MECCP), and the relationship between MECCP and the social studies domain. Then, an example of MECCP curriculum development will be introduced. This article concludes with challenges and outlook for the integration of CCPs into the social studies curriculum.

Keywords social studies, multicultural education, cross curriculum priorities