This chapter outlines benefits that can be accrued by combining approaches to social network analysis (SNA) with those based on activity theory (AT). The two frameworks take different perspectives and are from very different origins. However, in essence they are both concerned with understanding the interactions that take place between individuals or networks in order to achieve a goal. The combination of these two research approaches can be utilized to address some of the limitations of both SNA and AT. This chapter will initially explore similarities and differences in the philosophical principles underpinning SNA and AT, before moving on to the strengths and weaknesses of research designs based on each. It will then progress to discussing how a combination of the frameworks can create a stronger design; in particular, we will explore how AT can place SNA in a qualitatively rich context, while SNA provides a structured exploration of the community and division of labor elements of an activity system. While there are several benefits to combination, there remain limitations that are not addressed by mixing these particular frameworks, such as a lack of focus on cognitive processes. Finally, the chapter will end by giving an example of a research design that combined SNA and AT to illustrate how researchers may implement this particular mixed methods approach.