This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book begins with the present short introduction, collectively written by the co-editors, which sets the stage for provoking through the prisms of pluralities, spaces, intensities and charges. Provoking the relation between technology and theology, it presents several distinct architectural examples of curricular transcendence, and asks how built environments might also contribute to the decentering impulses of poetic experience. The book explores a collaborative, experimental space of intergenerational curriculum making, and considers the value of the unexpected as a way to wonder/wander along with curriculum’s interminable potential. A living, encountering curriculum is very different from prevailing conceptualizations of curriculum as “management category” preoccupied with generating a “language of input and output within a production system”. The book concludes with a meditation of multiple voices on the significance and ongoing contribution of provoking curriculum encounters, in the form of the academic conference.