Donald Trump’s 2016 Nomination Acceptance Address at the Republican National Convention explicitly mentioned GLBTQ people as Trump promised to “protect our LGBTQ citizens” and called GLBTQ people “wonderful Americans.” However, since Trump (2016) inauguration, he has appointed anti-GLBTQ leaders, proposed cuts to HIV research, and offered his support for a ban on transgender recruits to the military. This article begins with a close reading of Trump’s speech, showing how Trump expresses ostensible support for GLBTQ Americans, only to capitalize on the deaths of queer and trans people of color at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando mere weeks before the convention by pitting GLBTQ people against “Islamic terrorism.” The second half of the article then examines the effects of Trump’s appointments and policy priorities on GLBTQ people and their families. The contrast between Trump’s speech and his presidency reveals that Trump values the deaths, but not the lives, of GLBTQ people.