This chapter summarizes modes of consciousness experienced by people who believe that they have been contacted by extra-terrestrial entities. It focuses on the theme of self-transcendence in the experience of unidentified flying objects channels. Although Lyssa Royal Holt’s training sessions are commercial offerings, she has made publicly available an extensive archive of written materials in multiple translations via her website and hours of video teachings and interviews on her YouTube channel. These are supplemented by three published books outlining her work and the message she claims to be channelling from extraterrestrial entities and a pack of divinatory cards that are intended to aid their user in accessing the higher aspect of consciousness that Holt describes as our evolutionary destiny. The books are Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage, Visitors From Within: Extraterrestrial Encounters, and Species Evolution and Preparing for Contact: A Metamorphosis of Consciousness.