This term, suggested by Catherine Parat, concerns that part of the relationship with the analyst that is not reducible to the transference movements classically developed in a transference neurosis. From the point of view of the countertransference, the basic transference nourishes the feeling in the analyst that it is possible to work with this or that patient. From the patient's point of view, it is fuelled by narcissistic resources and a tender, non-eroticised instinctual drive current, but also by the introjection of qualities that belong to the analyst and his function. On leaving a session during which the analyst had remained silent, a patient, whose language was usually polished and whose fantasies of anal intrusion were patiently and painstakingly elaborated, said to himself, "What an asshole!" It was wintertime. After several years of psychotherapy, a young woman wanted to begin an analysis. The analysis began without discussion once the proposed setting had been accepted.