Millions of words have been written by academics about what works best in education over the last a century and a half but their findings are sometimes contradictory and often not well communicated, particularly to parents who really need to know about them because so much research shows what a huge effect they can have on how well their children do at school.

Complex ideas can become so distorted by misunderstanding and misapplication in the classroom that they amount to fake news. Yet still they spread like wildfire. The noise they create when they are seen as a new elixir for education can drown out the findings of other research that really could make a difference to children filling their potential when they go to school.

As a parent wanting to do the best for your children, how do you know whether to trust what you read in the mainstream and social media? How can you navigate safely in an ocean of information? How do you dodge the snake oil and distinguish fact from fiction?

Introduces some of the major areas where parents make the difference – conversation, taking an interest and having expectations and aspirations for your children.