Developments with reference to public enterprise in India consist of four phases: from 1950 to the mid-1960s, from 1960s to 1970s, the late 1970s and lasted up to the mid-1980s, and the mid-1980s. In terms of capital stock, while the non-financial autonomous corporations and companies account for about 45 per cent of the total in the public sector, Indian Railways account for about 9 per cent and Irrigation and Power account for 39 per cent. Certain organisations like the Food Corporation of India and the State Trading Corporation more or less perform agency functions for the government on the basis of agreed margins. Actions on privatisation in India are: on a case-by-case basis; restricted to loss-making non-viable units; in competitive sectors where the private sector is already dominant; and includes conversion into joint ventures. The role of co-operatives as an alternative to public and private sectors may be emphasised in the Indian context.