Increased penetration of information and communication tools (ICTs) and mainly mobile phones provide unique opportunities for bridging the gaps of information, technology use, and also gender disparity. The overall goal of using mobile phone-enabled information delivery mechanisms is to promote inclusive growth by reducing the knowledge gap both between large and small farmers and across gender by creating awareness about the latest technologies and best practices, as well as facilitating two-way communication. Empowering women farmers starts with information. It is imperative that extension services should reach women, it is important to understand how information services can overcome existing barriers, keeping in mind the existing social and cultural context. In these times of uncertainty related to climate change and increased climatic variability, the more informed they get on weather updates, new technologies, government schemes, and market information like prices, the more likely they are to make better choices and decisions. The process of adoption of mobile-based information delivery systems has been slow and many of the models are still at an early stage of development. This chapter provides a review of literature around these aspects of the use of ICTs by women in agriculture.