This chapter juxtaposes de/coloniality, poetry, and visual art-making as practice-based inquiry of cultivating resonant images. De/coloniality has always been an interplay between resisting colonial forces and dreaming of freedom without colonial influences. As colonial subjects, it has become impossible to imagine a pure space devoid of colonial influence for us, so de/coloniality is a shuttling, a movement between multiple states of desire and resistance, unsettledness, and anchoring in certain transient moments and relations. While there are several scholars who have discussed poetic inquiry in education and social sciences, poetry as a method and meditation to disrupt colonial agendas in educational research is an area that warrants attention. Often artists create resonant images to evoke, provoke, facilitate perspective taking, empathy, or actions, or create awareness. Creating resonant images became a process of breathing, a commitment to be resonant and re-cite pain and awareness.