Advocating for the use of poetry within education – and, concomitantly, educational research – is sensible, especially to a pragmatic mindset. Poetry, and a poetic sensibility, provides opportunities for students. Educational research has the opportunity to mitigate some of the stultifying effects of neoliberal-based educational models, and the overt and covert use of poetry and a poetic sensibility, respectively, are proper tools to accomplish this intervention. To incorporate a poetic sensibility, there exist examples of “criteria” for poetry. A poetic sensibility evokes some of the holistic, process-oriented power of the poetic: its intent is not simply to define, characterize, dissect, vivisect, or otherwise freeze how “groups of people think and feel and behave or even reveal the deep, non-obvious meaning of a group's beliefs and customs To briefly summarize, the poetic sensibility project encompasses research poetry, literary poetry, and epistemological, ontological, and axiological concerns.