In 1984, Company A was founded with the specific aim of rationalizing agricultural activities on the lands belonging to its founders’ family. They started with 40 hectares, and over the years they acquired 400 additional hectares of arable land. Integration of new advanced technologies to assist production was central to their mission and was a means for them to grow and compete. Let’s discover how they organized the firm for the adoption and integration of new digital technology to become competitive.

Company B, on the other hand, was founded in 1939. In the beginning, the company based its business on just 30 cows. At that time, the milk utilized was cooled at four degrees and corked in bottles by hand before being distributed throughout the surrounding area. In 1966, the second generation founded another company with a new name, becoming one of first companies devoted to processing milk. The third generation decided to go back to the original production of fresh and genuine products. This decision led the third generation to launch a new dairy company strongly connected to the land, seen as an answer to those searching for tastes of the past. Let’s see how the third generation of founders, not being digital natives, was able to cope with the difficulty of integrating and using new technology.