This chapter examines the conceptual understanding of the use of themes and stories in tourism experiences. First, stories in relation to tourism are defined and their role in developing, delivering and co-creating the tourism experience is explained. Second, the interdisciplinary literature on storytelling in relation to the tourism experience is reviewed. Third, a case study of the work of Chiang Mai MICE in the development of the “Lahu Tea Heritage” experience in one of Northern Thailand’s traditional hill tribe villages is considered. As a product for the regional meetings, incentive, corporate and events sector the case demonstrates how within a theme a narrative and related stories can be developed as a framework for the co-creation of the tourist experience. The case study is based on participant observation by the co-authors as part of a team developing a new tourism experience and on discussions with stakeholders including participating community members and tour operators. Practical advice will be offered for identifying themes and related narratives, and interpreting relevant stories in planning for the visitor or tourist experience.