The strategic adoption of new technologies in tourism is not new, but in recent years it has become an integral part of this industry, revolutionizing the way experiences are created and consumed. New technologies enable tourists to access information and establish direct contact with tourist suppliers, as well as contribute to create richer, more participatory and immersive experiences to increase overall satisfaction. This chapter particularly focuses on the ways in which new technologies have enhanced the tourist experience by adding new values and contents. After a brief overview of scholarly research, in order to outline the general context, a selection of international case studies related to wine tourism is presented. Actually, wine tourism is a growing tourism segment. It is intimately related to the identity of destination and comprises cultural and historical values. Wineries are no longer production sites but are turning into attractions for a wide audience of tourists. This has led local producers to enhance traditional services (e.g. visits and tastings) by integrating new technologies into the winery experience, in order to overcome physical barriers (e.g. allowing tourists to experience the vineyard during all seasons), provide content and increase visitors’ experience.