The chapter is an interview with Judge Anna Maria Wesołowska from Poland. Judge Anna Maria Wesołowska is a Polish lawyer, retired judge latterly employed in the Regional Court in Łódź, and a TV personality. She is considered an expert on organized crime and the coauthor of the Crown Witness Act. She was a member of the squads adjudicating in the trials of the two significant Polish gangs. Judge Anna Maria Wesołowska is also one of the most active attorneys in the field of law and criminal justice education for children and youth. In the interview, she shared her reflections on the values that judges should follow and the subject matter level they should ensure. She not only presented her opinions on the systemic changes in Poland and the ways of tackling the problems generated by those changes but also indicated general prevention methods and the desirable directions of changes to the criminal policy. The interview contains many valuable suggestions, sensitizes society to the matter of developing empathy in judges, and proves the values stemming from the cooperation of justice system practitioners with representatives of scientific circles.