This chapter draws on the moral philosophy of Judith Butler as a framework for exploring the ethics and politics of collaboration for Ensemble. Based in Liverpool, England, DaDaFest has been central in promoting disability arts since its emergence as Arts Integrated Merseyside in 1984 and then later in 1990 as Northwest Disability Arts Forum. DaDaFest International festivals offer diverse and provocative themes for disabled and non-disabled audiences, encouraging us through a range of arts practice to consider the very nature of what it is to be human. DaDaFest offers a program for disabled young artists between the ages of 12 and 30 years. Importantly, a team of young disabled people referred to as Young Leaders direct and influence DaDaFest programs. The young leaders meet regularly to shape the direction of the work that is undertaken by DaDaFest, including the orientation of their young people’s program and the annual arts festival.