Risks to infants and young children in an emergency in the UK include: lack of breastfeeding, early weaning and mixed feeding contributing to increased risks of illness and infection; pathogens in the water and bacteria in powdered formula can cause illness if water is not boiled and used at 70°C; lack of trained support for breastfeeding mothers; and so on. Risks to infants and young children in an emergency in the UK also include: indiscriminate donations of inappropriate or free formula; and poor organisation of family spaces, lack of privacy, queues for food and services can separate families and reduce opportunities for mothers to feed their babies. Each local area should have a basic needs assessment, including the number of local infants and children, their ages and whether they are breastfed, to assist in planning for emergencies. Local authorities, public health and maternity units will all have some of this information if there is no comprehensive local needs assessment.