This chapter presents the main reasons why women stop breastfeeding and how these factors often directly have an impact upon their milk supply. Pain and latching difficulties are common reasons for stopping breastfeeding in the first week. Pain and nipple trauma can cause significant psychological distress and can lead to women trying to reduce feeding frequency, impacting upon milk supply. A mother’s intention to initiate and continue breastfeeding can be heavily affected by the attitudes and experiences of those around her. A woman’s partner can also affect her intention and ability to breastfeed. Broadly, if the partner is supportive, the woman is more likely to be able to continue, but if the partner does not or cannot support her, she may find breastfeeding more challenging. Despite women being protected to breastfeed their baby by law in the UK, many feel that breastfeeding is viewed negatively or have felt judged or criticised by others for feeding in public.