Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is an empirically-based psychological approach combining cognitive and behavioural therapies. Closely related to the hexaflex is the concept of the Three Pillars, where the six core processes described before are subsumed into three pillars: The Noticing Pillar, The Open Pillar, and The Active Pillar. ACT’s appeal is universal in that anyone can benefit from developing psychological flexibility in order to improve well-being and lead a more meaningful life. ACT appears a natural fit to stammering, given the complex and multifaceted nature of stammering and the importance of addressing the affective, behavioural and cognitive aspects in therapy. The integration of ACT into adult stammering therapy supports work on increased awareness of both overt and covert elements of stammering, avoidance-reduction, becoming more open to the experience of stammering, speech change and motivation to keep going in challenging situations.