This chapter discusses a literature review of available articles and books written on the subject of couples counseling and couples assessment in the police/public safety field. It presents the survey data describing the frequency of couples counseling in the law enforcement field and describes the methodological approaches that have been promoted as helpful in working with police couples. The chapter explores two case studies involving a comprehensive assessment of police couples using the Inwald Research Relationship Surveys, one with an apparently successful relationship and one where the couple admitted to substantial relationship difficulties. The Inwald Research Relationship Surveys, used with or without the Inwald Trauma Recovery Inventory (ITRI) , are the first comprehensive partner/spouse-oriented surveys developed for use as a preventative approach, providing actuarial “relationship check-ups” to assist public safety officers. Peter ITRI scores show evidence of depression, as indicated by his elevated Lack of Satisfaction with Life score and individual item endorsements, suggesting suicidal thoughts.