This chapter employs the voices of Black Goths to explore the understudied subgroup of Afrogoths. Afrogoth constitutes the expression, style, and practices of people of African descent who are participants in and creators of Goth music and culture. Webcomics, interviews, music, and visual analysis show that Afrogoths posit black, sonic political platforms in their everyday life and in their art making. Comic artist Calyn Pickens Rich, Afropunk singer Militia Vox, and Afrogoths represent the expansive sexual and racial possibilities of creating anew through participation in the Black Goth subculture. Whaley argues that the music and culture of Afrogoth and Afrogoth comix foster ongoing possibilities for rethinking and expanding notions of death, pleasure, resistance, and genre while drawing from traditional and untraditional aspects of the popular culture genre of horror.